What are the benefits of IPL treatments?
When the skin suffers sun damage, it often develops brown spots, redness, and the early onset of wrinkles. IPL works by stimulating collagen, targeting brown spots, and reducing redness in the skin. Darker spots respond best to IPL, though lighter spots may resolve over several treatments.
What should I expect during an IPL treatment?
Treatments are non-invasive and performed in our office. A gel is applied to the treatment area. Depending on the size of the treatment area, sessions typically last between 20 and 30 minutes. Most people experience little or no discomfort during treatment and resume normal activity immediately. There is minimal downtime though it is normal to experience some redness in the hours following treatment. Dark sots may temporarily appear darker. Patients may require multiple sessions to achieve their desired results. For more information, contact our office to schedule a consultation.
What options do you offer and where can I learn more?
We use Sciton’s BBL and Rohrer’s ILP devices. To learn more about these lasers and see before-after photos: